What’s your role with SHEMESH?
As a Learning Center Director at TA, I consult with parents, rebbeim, and teachers to help them understand the challenges some students face in their academic journey. I also assess students and observe them in their classroom environment to better understand the barriers they are facing and to individualize recommendations. To be effective, accommodations and modifications need to be fine-tuned to address the individual student and individual classroom setting. The satisfaction of knowing that small changes can make the difference between failure and success is the most meaningful part of my job!
What’s your favorite part of working with SHEMESH?
SHEMESH “has our back”! Aside from the direct services SHEMESH provides to the preschool (behavioral support, and early reading intervention) and to our elementary and middle school (executive function coaching), we rely on SHEMESH to provide good quality professional development opportunities.
How many children do you think you impact in a school year?
We directly service 45-50 students per year in our Learning Center and Small Classrooms, but reach many more students via consultative services with parents and classroom teachers. I love walking through the halls of TA and being able to greet so many students by name – students in our LC, LC graduates, and others!