School Based Learning Centers


  • Consult with teachers, administrators and parents to screen struggling students

  • Conduct classroom observations

  • Determine whether general accommodations and targeted interventions are appropriate

  • Provide case-management to coordinate services (e.g. speech and language therapy, extra tutoring, etc.)

  • Conduct educational assessments to determine current level of functioning

  • Coordinate school-wide benchmark assessment and/or progress monitoring for selected students


  • Use research-based methodology to work directly with students to provide skill-building and/or classroom support

  • Consult with classroom teachers to review progress and determine whether students’ needs are being met

  • Communicate regularly with parents

  • Conduct classroom observations

  • Document student progress using meaningful data

  • Co-teach and/or provide small group instruction in the regular classroom to facilitate integration of students receiving Learning Center services and benefit students on Tier 1 (consult only).


Josh was always popular at school. A great athlete and an avid storyteller, his friends and teachers thought the world of him. Until he got to first grade and it became noticeable that Josh was having a great deal of difficulty learning how to read. Josh became increasingly frustrated and began to avoid reading. His teacher reported that he went to the bathroom frequently. He got into fights at recess because he was getting teased. At home he complained of stomachaches and began refusing to go to school. Homework became a battle. Josh‘s parents were really worried. They spoke to the school’s on-site special educator who did some benchmarking and referred his parents for further psycho-educational testing.

Testing revealed that Josh had poor phonological awareness and was at significant risk for a reading disability. Recommendations included targeted, intensive instruction. This was provided through the Learning Center. Josh loved the one-on-one instruction and thrived with the support he received. Recently, he told his teacher that Learning Center is the best part of his day. Josh still has a way to go but he is on track for making excellent progress. Given the early intervention and the ongoing systematic instruction there is an excellent chance that Josh will leave third grade reading at the same level as his peers.

“The one on one help has allowed our child to keep up with her peers.”


“The individualized attention they receive has greatly increased the girls’ ability to keep pace in the classroom and feel successful.”

School Administrator

“Their impact is on our entire student body as we become much more sensitive to meet the needs of all students…”

School Administrator