What’s your role with SHEMESH?
My name is Morah Debbie Logue and I am a reading specialist for Shemesh. I provide reading support to the preschool students at TA. Other than working with students, I so enjoy my interactions with parents and teachers. It makes my heart happy to assist them in any way that I can. For example, providing materials to help individualize student learning. Since going virtual, I have been able to suggest a variety of websites to assist with learning and as well as websites with fun read alouds.
I very much want to give an enormous Hakaras Ha Tov to all parents and caregivers. It is not easy homeschooling when one chooses to homeschool. Being thrown into the role without warning and some preparation time is super difficult. I think that it is very important not to beat yourself up about what you are or are not doing and just remember that you are doing the best that you can. Even the littlest amount of work given over to your child with conviction and love will leave an everlasting imprint and may be the most important learning your child receives.
What do you want parents to know?
Summer is a time to relax and enjoy your family – especially this year. Unfortunately, the dreaded ‘summer slide’ may be a concern. Rather than have your child/children do workbooks or worksheets here are some suggestions that may be a bit more fun.
- Family read alouds.
- Family memory book.
- A round robin story that is written down and then illustrated. For example, begin with a simple prompt like On the path… and then have each family member add to the story. Write it down and then illustrate it.
- Family cooking nights – read and discuss the recipes and do the math to make more or less of the recipe. Adding, subtracting, and fractions can be discussed in a fun way.
- Family game night.