So many parents ask me how to go about getting their children to do what they need to do without constantly nagging them.  Daily tasks such as getting ready for school or bed, or getting ready to leave for school, can be made into visual schedules tailor-made for each child.  Below is a door sign, posted on the inside of the front door to a client’s home, for her 3 boys to see as they leave the house each morning.  This “Stop/Go” sign instantly reduced Mom’s need to remind her boys of each task daily, and if necessary, all she has to do is point or direct a child to the sign so she doesn’t have to say another word!

Enjoy this gift from SHEMESH!


Executive Function Door Hanger Executive Function Door Hanger

The Word version can be modified with your own words or pictures of your child’s real-life gear. The pdf version is attached for quick printing.